Monday, January 24, 2011

Dennis Held Book Launch of "Ourself"

Bachmeyr Disclaimer
Any inquiries concerning Fritz Renato Bachmeyr, his art or his resume need to be directed elsewhere.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Great Evening of Poetry and Painting January 7, 2011

Iris, Tom, John and Darryl
Zan reads to the audience

A young artist displays her work after watching Clancie Pleasants paint.
John working on Zan's portrait
Zan begins the final touches on her own portrait
Clancie paints with poetry flowing
Clancie takes a break
The model resting before the painting with the painter

The crowd watches John develop the painting

The Parson's talk with Chelsea the model
Stephen Pitters reading
Stephen and John Coutts from CDA

Another hand pose from John
John and Tom with Dick Bresgal and Herman Keys watching.
Jody with Cicly-maybe at her first opening of her life.
Jody reading to the audience
Cicily and her brother

Mel with Dennis and Nancy Roth
Dennis discussing his latest book with Nancy
As the crowd listens to Stephen, John just keeps painting.

Listening to the intense poetry of Stephen Pitters framed by a portrait by Clancie Pleasants.