Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Don Ealy-A Passionate Painter" November 1-30 First Friday-November 5, 5-8pm

"Don Ealy-A Passionate Painter" by Nancy Ferreira is now on sale at J.F. Thamm Gallery.

This book is a feast for the eyes and a treat for art lovers-especially those who have known and loved Don's work over the years. Over 300 color illustrations and sketches with stories and anecdotes by Don filled with wit and humor.

The book was published by the Christopher Queen Galleries in Duncan Mills, California where they recently hosted a show of 100 paintings by Don in an October show.

Come and view the book and enjoy 20 more paintings by Don.  The show spans his painting career from the mid 70's.  

We are also offering paintings by Herman Keys and John Thamm with Raku pottery by Jill Smith, sculpture by Rhea Giffin and metal fabricated furniture by Sean Smith.

Bachmeyr Disclaimer
Any inquiries concerning Fritz Renato Bachmeyr, his art or his resume need to be directed elsewhere.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

"Urn Your Way" September 1-30 Artist Reception-September 3, 5-8pm

First Friday-Meet the Artists September 3, 5-8pm

A provocative exhibit called “Urn Your Way” featuring work by 30 Spokane area artists opens at J.F. Thamm Gallery on First Friday. 
Spokane, WA- Join 30 artists whose work is featured in the provocative show: “Urn Your Way” for a First Friday reception, September 3, 2010, 5:00pm - 8:00pm at J.F. Thamm Gallery, 11 S. Washington Street, (in the Historic Hutton Building), downtown Spokane.  

The 30 featured artists in the “Urn Your Way” exhibit are: 
Liz Bishop, Laura Nuchols, Rhea Giffen, M. Dianne Lemley,  Sami Perry, Lynn Hanley,  Lezlie Finet, Tom Pickett, Jill Smith, Ken Spiering, Virginia Carter, Rick Singer, Margo Casstevens, Kurt Madison,Kristens Sylvester, Ken Yuhasz, Mason McCuddin, Mel McCuddin, Clara Woods,  Jan Juday, Janna Juday,  Denise Bowles,Darcy Drury, Keiko VonHolt, Maraget Cook, David Herron, Darrell Sullens, EL Stewart, Harold Balaz, John Thamm.  

"Urn Your Way" Artist Reception-September 3, 5-8pm

Rhea Giffen, Coeur d’Alene mixed media/papier mache artist describes her experience creating for this show at Liz’s invitation.  “I recycle a lot of newspapers in my work and am often struck by the obituaries.  Sometimes the faces jump out at me and I may take time to read the stories.  As I wish them and their loved ones comfort and support on their journey, I imagine a symbolic rebirth of sorts as a little bit of their story becomes layered in the foundation of my sculptures.
To create a vessel that can be used as a funerary urn or simply a place for keepsakes to honor a loved one is a natural progression for my art.  While working on these pieces my most prevalent thoughts were of the interconnectedness of all life.
I love the concept for this exhibit.  Death can be such a beautiful part of the circle of life.  I hope people will become aware of the abundantly creative choices that are available to personalize their remembrances.”

The show depicts creative and inspirational  views of death and bereavement in a variety of mediums. Conceived and created by artist, Liz Bishop, each artist has contributed work that depicts the stigma of death, a subject not often discussed in our society.  Ironically, the exhibit was rejected by two area gallery spaces until Liz approached the J. F. Thamm Gallery.   
Liz is a member of the Patriot Guard Riders with whom she rides on missions to honor soldiers killed in action to commemorate veterans.  She is intimately apart of many military funerals and helps veterans and their loved ones plan ahead by taking responsibility for their eventual passing. Liz, an artist working in pottery,  felt the best way to honor the originality of an individual's life was through a personalized handmade urn.  After having several close friends and loved ones pass away,  Liz began designing and creating what she calls "Spirit Vessels" for the departed.

Jill Smith

Jill Smith, featured artist and well known potter states: “Dust to dust. 
Ashes to ashes. For centuries ceramic urns have held the ash remains of humanity. Life, just like clay pots, is formed, molded and created by our own hand then firmed by fiery events. When we pass from this life plane we lay aside the trappings of this body and take our essence and experiences on to become what we will be. As a potter it is an honor to create a resting place for the memories of this world to reside in. Because they are involved in the actual act of creation themselves, artists view life and death in extraordinary ways. To bring those thoughts together in a show of this kind is in itself extraordinary. "

Liz Bishop-Spirit Vessels

Two Vietnam veterans commissioned Liz to create their “spirit vessels” before they die. One of the veterans, Dennis H said; "Not only did Liz create a beautiful piece of Art, but she captured the essence of my spirit when it is time for this Viet Nam vet to become whole again.”  Larry G spoke about the beauty of the process that included him in the conception of the piece; "Liz took time to go to my leaning tree, we talked, sipped cocoa, and she collected pine needles and bark. All these things were made part of my vessel, with Liz's thoughtfulness and care, and thus will become part of my legacy that my family can have forever."

4 x 4 x 1: Four artists, Four poets, One show

The J.F. Thamm Gallery, 11 S. Washington, presents 4 x 4 x 1: Four artists, Four poets, One show on First Friday. The show is a multi-media offering representing the art and poetry of Tom Gribble, Karen Mobley, John Whalen, and Iris Gribble-Neal. This exhibit is unique in that the artists have all fractured the arbitrary lines drawn between art forms, and their poetry will also be displayed as part of their exhibits. The artists will be available at the reception First Friday; the exhibit will be on display for the month of August. 

Private Poetry Reading Session August 28, 2010

Private Poetry reading by Tom Davis,
Zan Deery, Iris Gribble-Neal and Tom Gribble
with Norville Troust.   KPBX Auction Item
- private poetry reading session
 at the J. F. Thamm Gallery

John Whalen

"4x4x1" August Show

Tom Gribble and Iris Gribble

August Show J. F. Thamm Gallery  "4x4x1"


Tom Gribble hangs the show in August

Tom Gribble puts the last touches to hanging the "4x4x1" Show

Tom Gribble-Artist Statement

Tom Gribble
Tom Gribble’s contributions are from two of his collections, War Horses and Re-evolution. They are acrylic paintings on canvas, Styrofoam reliefs, and graphite prints. The surfaces and framing, with the exception of some polymers and protective substances, for the projects are from re-cycled or re-used sources. He says, “The War Horse project began when our world went to war. Re-evolution was spawned from my artistic endeavors to use some of the excess material we create.”   

John Whalen- Artist Staement

John Whalen
John Whalen works primarily in acrylic paint on stretched canvas, being most interested in color and texture, color fields, palimpsest, the scraping away, the adding to, the brushwork and lines from combs. John says, “Though my paintings are not representational of natural forms but of impressions of the interior mind, I like to work within the concerns of form, of structured energy and the release of energy, of picturing the briefest thought. 

Iris Gribble-Neal Artist Statement

Iris Gribble-Neal
Iris Gribble-Neal will display work in two mediums: collage with acrylics, and photographs of nature enhanced in computer composition. “I am fascinated by color and the texture resulting from combinations of paint, paper, textiles, and re-cycled canvas,” she says of her art. Her graphic depictions of nature are not an attempt to reproduce nature which is already perfect but perhaps to see it from a different angle, depth, and dimension. 

Karen Mobley-Artist Statement

Karen Mobley
Karen Mobley will present drawing and collage art works from a recent series of works that are abstract images of water, plant life and birds.  About this work she says, “I have been interested in aspects of landscape and wildlife illustration for my whole life.  These works are about getting to the essence of movement and place without being strict to the scientific or descriptive. These art works are more about how it feels to me to be in nature.”

Karen Mobley

Iris Gribble Photograph

John Whalen - Blue Corn

Tom Gribble: Cubist Fish

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"Vets: 50 Portraits of Veterans and Their Stories" is here!

"Vets: 50 Portraits of Veterans and Their Stories" can be purchased for $19.95 plus shipping and handling.

To order email pinklloyd2@msn.com and provide your name, mailing address, phone number and email address.  John will contact you to make arrangements for payment and shipping.

Or come to the J.F. Thamm Gallery, 11 S. Washington St., Spokane, WA to view the complete set of original oil paintings, purchase the book and meet the artist, John Thamm.

Gallery Hours:  Monday - Friday, 11:30am- 5:00 pm or by appointment
(509) 868-7434  

"Vets: 50 Portraits of Veterans and Their Stories" is a memorable collection of images and stories as told by veterans spanning WWII to the war in Iraq.
“…after slowly pouring through this remarkable collection of portraits and personal stories… I realized why there is this connection, this brotherhood, this sense of automatic bonding with other veterans that makes being a veteran something special. We may have served in different eras, in different services, in different units, in different countries, in combat or not in combat, in a hot war or a cold war, but the bond somehow holds us together.” Paul Quinnett PhD-clinical psychologist and author of Suicide:The Forever Decision.

John F. Thamm lives in Spokane, Washington. He teaches portrait workshops in the U.S., Mexico, Netherlands and Germany and has a Masters of Fine Art degree from the University of Idaho. John studied portraiture at the Art Students League in New York City. John has been a courtroom sketch artist for television and newspaper media including CNN, ABC, Associated Press, KREM, KXLY and the Spokesman Review. Notable trials he has covered are the Weaver-Harris Ruby Ridge Trial, Branch Davidian-Waco Trial, and the Aryan Nations Trial in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. You can view John’s work at the J.F. Thamm Gallery, 11 S. Washington St., Spokane. “Vets” is featured by the local PBS station-KSPS in the November 2009 Northwest Profiles series.
Vets is a large 8-1/2 X 11 format on high quality archival text. All 50 Portraits are full color images of John’s original oil paintings. A total of 162 pages contain portraits, interviews and commentary.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

First Friday-March 5th- Artist Reception at J.F. Thamm Gallery

 "Larger Than Life Portraits" an exhibit of oil paintings by John Thamm.  Come join us from 5pm-8pm on First Friday (March 5th) in Downtown Spokane at the Historic Hutton Building. J.F. Thamm Gallery - 11 S Washington.
Meet the artist and discover Spokane's newest gallery.

Gallery Hours:  Tuesday thru Saturday  11:30am - 6pm or By Appointment
First Friday:  open until 9 pm.

Here is a sneak peek at some of the paintings
Raptured Just in Time 36" x 80" Oil
     This painting is about history, current events and the future and depicts a presidential procession fraught with “trouble ahead”…“trouble behind”. The image expresses an understanding of the de-constructionist effort being made by the Bush administration.
     George W. Bush has put much effort into making my world and nation more secure since 9/11, so I felt it necessary to reciprocate in this visual format.
     My initial inspiration for this painting was a bumper sticker I saw in the 80’s. It read, “When the Rapture begins, I shall depart.” I thought at the time it must be self gratifying to be that sure of yourself. I see that same sense of certainty in George W. Bush. In my painting I’ve placed him in the back seat for the safety and security of the rest of the passengers. I didn’t want him driving the car when the rapture took place.

The Hopeful Candidate  48" x 60" Oil/Acrylic

My Buddy, Tom 9" x 12" Acrylic

The Colonel and the General 16" x 20" Gold Leaf and Oil

The Veteran

12" x 16" Oil

Gallery Announcement

J.F. Thamm Gallery
11 S Washington St
Spokane, WA 99201

Spokane’s newest gallery, J.F. Thamm Gallery, Opens Saturday-February 27th
11 S. Washington St. in the Hutton Building (across from the Taco Stand).

Featuring “Larger Than Life Portraits” by John Thamm

Artist’s Reception- First Friday-March 5th from 5pm-8pm
Gallery Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 11:30am-6pm
(509) 868-7434

Maple Street Bridge  11" x 14" Oil

Farbi Flora #1 18" x 24" Acrylic

Flood Waters, Sandpoint 18" x 22" Acrylic

Main Avenue, Peaceful Valley  18" x 24" Acrylic